Field; real and virtual, where now?

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As we draw near to the end of the project, we must think of what we will do from this point onwards. I really like how my motherboard is turning out. I think it could gain strength from being part of a series with the common thread of everyday electronics. These could be done solely for their aesthetic properties or it could be used to educate.
Many people, including the very young and very old, struggle to understand computers but in different ways. The very young often understand how to use a computer,but don’t understand the multitude of computer parts on the inside and how this makes the computer function. Older people can struggle with one or both of these issues.

Disassembled Chainsaw

An artist who is relevant to this is Todd McLarren, a photographer who disassembles every day objects. I will look at his practice more in depth in a separate blog post.




As part of the Common Object exhibition with the MADE gallery, I created two slightly larger cross stitches. These were stitched with conductive thread and were working cross stitches. One was quite simple, whilst the other was embellished. I really enjoyed the challenge of stitching this and it has taught me a lot about the basics of E-textiles. It has also made me want to do/try more.
Something that needs more thought is the possible commercial aspect of these two ideas. Can the be fusioned? What could I achieve with simple components such as LEDs and batteries? What are the possibilities of wearable technology?

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